Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Will Records 2
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Will Records 2 Page 608
                      Warren K. Bartleson
       67.  to or for the use and benefit of my said grandchild, for
       68.  his support, maintenance and education: and also whenever
       69.  my said trustee may deem it advisable, to leave, mortgage,
       70.  sell and convey the whole or any part of the said
Will   71.  property, real, personal, and mixed, and the investments
       72.  thereof, at private sale, and to execute all proper, good
       73.  and sufficient deeds, instruments and other writings as
       74.  may be thereunto required to carry into effect the fore-
       75.  going provision and powers, without the direction, order or
       76.  interposition of any Court or Courts: and upon the event
       77.  of my grandchild, Mark D. Bartleson, Junior, attaining the
       78.  age of twenty-one (21) years, to pay the balance, if any
       79.  of my grandchild's share of my estate in his hands to the
       80.  said Mark D. Bartleson, Junior, and thereupon the trust
       81.  hereby created shall cease and determine and all my said
       82.  trustee's duty, obligation and liability thereunder shall
       83.  then be fully discharged: and I hereby stipulate and direct
       84.  that no bond or bonds by any person court or courts
       85.  for the faithful execution of the foregoing trust shall be
       86.  required of my said trustee. And in the event that the said
       87.  Thomas V. Porter, my said trustee, be not living at the
       88.  time of my death, or if living, fails or refuses to accept
       89.  and renounces said trust, or having accepted same should
       90.  die before fully carrying out and executing the terms, con-
       91.  ditions, and provisions thereof, I name, constitute and
       92.  appoint my son Charles W. Bartleson, as trustee for my
       93.  said grandchild, Mark D. Bartleson, Junior in the place
       94.  and stead of said Thomas V. Porter, upon the same con-
       95.  ditions, uses, trusts and confidences as hereinabove set
       96.  forth and expressed, And it is my will that no other or
       97.  further appointment by any Court or Courts shall be necessary
       98.  to vest in the said Charles W. Bartleson, as such trustee.
       99.  the legal title to and the right of posession of that share
       100. of my estate, real, personal and mixed, or the proceeds
       101. thereof and the investments therefrom, hereinbefore given,
       102. bequeathed and devised for the use, benefit and behoof of
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 5 September 2021
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