Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Will Records 2
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Will Records 2 Page 609
                      Warren K. Bartleson
       103.  my said grandchild, Mark D. Bartleson, Junior.
       104.     Fourth: In the event of the death of the said Sarah
       105.  Margaret Allen before my death, without leaving issue, leav-
       106.  ing her husband, John S. Allen, her surviving, it is my will to
Will   107.  and I do hereby give, bequeath and devise, one twelfth (1/12)
       108.  of my property, real, personal and mixed, or the proceeds
       109.  thereof, to John S. Allen (husband of said Sarah Margaret
       110.  Allen), and in the event of the death of the said Mark D.
       111.  Bartleson, Junior, before my death without leaving issue,
       112.  leaving his Mother, Mamie L. Bartleson, him surviving, it
       113.  is my will to and I do hereby give, bequeath and devise one-
       114.  twelfth (1/12) of my property, real, personal and mixed,
       115.  or the proceeds thereof, to Mamie L. Bartleson (mother of
       116.  said Mark D. Bartleson, Junior.)
       117.      Fifth:  I hereby name, coinstitute and appoint my
       118.  beloved wife, H. Amelia Bartleson, my sole executrix of
       119.  this my last Will and testament, and in the event that she
       120.  be not living at the time of my death, or if living, fails
       121.  or refuses, for any cause whatever, to qualify as such
       122.  executrix, or having qualified should die before fully carry-
       123.  ing out and performing the terms, conditions and trusts
       124.  hereof, I name, constitute and appoint Thomas V. Porter as
       125.  the executor of this my last Will and testament, in her place
       126.  and stead: and in the event that the said Thomas V. Porter
       127.  be not then living, or, if living, fails or refuses to qualify
       128.  as such executor, or having qualified should die
       129.  before fully carrying out and performing the terms, conditions
       130.  and trusts hereof, I name, constitute and appoint
       131.  Charles W. Bartleson, my son, as my executor, in the place
       132.  and stead of the said H. Amelia Bartleson and Thomas V. Porter
       133.  as the case may be, of this, my last Will and testament;
       134.  And I repose full confidence in the integrity and
       135.  ability of each of the above named persons, whom I have
       136.  nominated and appointed as aforesaid, I, therefore, direct and
       137.  stipulate that no one of them, acting as provided

Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 5 September 2021
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