Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Will Records 2
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Will Records 2 Page 610
                     Warren K. Bartleson
       138.  shall be required to enter into any bond or bonds by any
       139.  person, court or courts for the faithful carrying out and
       140.  full execution by her or him of the directions, gifts,
Will   141.  bequests, devises and trusts to and upon her or him given
       142.  laid and reposed in and by this, my last Will and testament
       143.  Sixth:  I hereby direct and Authorize my Executrix
       144.  or Executor, as the case may be, and their successors, to
       145.  use their own Judgment and absolute direction about sell-
       146.  ing and disposing of the all or any part of my property,
       147.  real, personal and mixed, and in fact, in everything con-
       148.  cerning the management and settlement of my estate, and
       149.  I do hereby further authorize my executor and his successors
       150.  to sell and dispose of the whole of my property, real,
       151.  personal and mixed, and divide the proceeds thereof among
       152.  the within named legatees, devisees and beneficiaries, if
       153.  and whenever before a final settlement and division of my
       154.  estate, they may deem and consider such a course advisable
       155.  and for the best interest of all concerned: and th to that
       156.  end I hereby empower and clothe my executrix or executor
       157.  as the case may be, and their successors, with full and
       158.  sufficient right and authority to take posession of, to,
       159.  collect the rents, issues and profits from and to lease,
       160.  Mortgage, sell and convey the whole or any part or portion
       161.  of my property, of whatever nature and wheresoever situate
       162.  for cash, or in their absolute discretion, upon credit,
       163.  taking such security therefor, as she or he may deem for
       164.  the best interest of my estate, the legatees, divisees and
       165.  beneficiaries thereof, and also to make, execute and deliver
       166.  all such good and sufficient deeds, instruments of transfer
       167.  and other writings necessary to pass and give a proper title
       168.  thereto or security thereon, without the order or
       169.  intervention of any Court or Courts.
       170.  In testimony Whereof, I Warren K. Bartleson, do
       171.  hereunto set my hand and affix my seal to this my last
       172.  Will and Testament (contained in four (4) sheets) numbered
       173.  one (1) to four (4) inclusive upon each of which I
       174.  have also written my name) in the City of Jacksonville
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 4 September 2021
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