Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Will Records 2
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Will Records 2 Page 617
               Nathan H. Daniels
a portion at least of each year, or shall underlet the
Same, or if she shall not Keep a caretaker in said
farmhouse at all times during her absences who
shall be acceptable to said trustees, whichever of
said events shall first occur, the said real
and personal estate herein divided and bequeathed
shall sink into and become a part of the residue
of my estate
My said wife may at any time or times release
in writing to the trustees or the time being
under said residuary article of this will her
interest in all or any part of said real
estate and personal property and thereupon
her responsibility in relation to the same
shall cease
Fourth: I give to my sister-in-law, Letitia
Ann Powell, sister of my wife Abby Jane
widow of Sidney Powell of Elkader in the
County of Clayton and State of Iowa the
use of my real estate in said Elkader,
so long as she remains the widow of the
said Sidney Powell and desires to use and
occupy the premises herself, but no longer:
She shall while she has the use of said premises
pay where due all taxes and assessments levied
or assessed upon said property, shall keep
the same in suitable repair and the
buildings insured in some company or
Companies approved by my trustees under the
residuary or seventh article of
               Nathan H. Daniels
this will in a sum not less than five
hundred Dollars payable in case of loss to
the said trustees, and shall deliver to such
trustees such policy or policies and the
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 5 November 2020
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