Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Will Records 2
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Will Records 2 Page 620
                           Nathan H. Daniels.
Will   B. And to pay one half of the said net income
       not needed for the payment aforesaid, to my said
       beloved wife, Abby Jane Daniels, in quarter
       yearly payments, during her life: the first such
       payment to be made at the expiration of three
       from the date of my decease, and there shall be
       no apportionment of any payment at the date
       of her death
       C.  To pay the remaining one half of the said
       net in come not needed for the payment afore=
       said under clause "A" of this Article of my will
       to my said beloved son Nathan Hagar Daniels
       or his issue per
                    Nathan H. Daniels
       stirpes after his death if he shall die before
       the termination of the trust: and if during the
       term of the Trust neither he nor any of his
       issue are then living, to pay after the death
       of the survivor of himself and his issue, the whole
       net income of said trust, not needed for the
       expenses mentioned in clause "A" of this article of
       my will, to my said beloved wife Abby Jane
       Daniels, And upon the death of my said Wife
       or upon my death, if I shall survive her, I
       direct my trustees to set aside a fund which
       in their opinion, shall equal in value Fifty
       thousand dollars ($50,000) and upon the death
       of the survivor of my said Wife and myself.
       I give, devise and bequeath the remainder of
       my said residuary estate discharged of all
       trusts to my Son Nathan Hagar Daniels,
       or if he is not then alive, to his issue then living
       per stirpes, but if he shall leave no issue then
       living, I give, devise and bequeath the same to
       the issue then living, per stirpes, of my said
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 8 November 2020
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