Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Will Records 2
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Will Records 2 Page 622
                 Nathan H. Daniels
        M. To the Home for Aged Colored Women in said
Will.   Boston 10/313.    Nathan H. Daniels.
        N. To the Home for Aged Couples in Said Boston, 10/313,
        O. To the Home for Aged Men in Boston 10/313
        P. If any of the foregoing legacies or bequests shall
           lapse, I give such lapsed legacies or bequests
        in equal shares to the Museum of Fine Arts
        in said Boston and to the Childrens Hospital
        now located on Huntington Avenue in said Boston
        Eighth: And my trustees shall hold said Fifty
        thousand Dollar trust fund upon the following
        trust viz: - To manage and invest the same and
        pay the nett income thereof to my said son, Nathan
        during his life; and upon his decease or upon the
        decease of my said wife, if she shall survive
        him, I give, devise and bequeath the principal of
        said Fifty thousand dollar fund as it shall then
        exist, discharged of said trust as my said son
        shall, by my last will or other instrument
        in the nature thereof, attested by two or more com-
        petant Witnesses, direct and appoint: and in default
        of such last Will or other instrument, or so far as
        the same shall fail to operate or upon my decease
        if I shall survive him and my said wife
        I give the principal of said fund, as it shall then
        exist, to the lawful issue them living, per stirpes,
        of my son Nathan and if there shall be no
        lawful issue of my
                   Nathan H. Daniels
        said son Nathan, then living I give the same to
        the lawful issue then living, per Stirpes, of my said
        son Howard: but if there are no issue of him
        then living, I give, devise and bequeath the principal
        of said fund, as it shall then exist, to and among
        such of the persons and societies, and in the
        amounts set against their respective names
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 4 September 2021
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