Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Will Records 2
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Will Records 2 Page 623
           Nathan H. Daniels
        as shall be respectively living and existing
Will.   at that time, and as hereinbefore named in
        clauses "a" to "p" both inclusive of article
        Seventh of this Will.
        Ninth:  If neither my son, Nathan, nor
        any of his issue are alive at the death of
        the survivor of myself and my said wife. I give
        devise and bequeath my residuary estate to the
        lawful issue, then living, per Stirpes, of my said
        Son, Howard B. Daniels, and if there are no lawful
        issue of my said son Howard B. Daniels then living
        I give, devise and bequeath the principal of said estate
        as it shall then exist, to and among such of the persons
        or societies and in the amount set against their
        respective names as shall be respectively living
        and existing at that time and as are hereinbefore
        named in clauses "a" to "p" both inclusive in
        article seventh of this My Will,
        Tenth: I direct that my successive legacy, In-
        heritance or Transfer Tax, whether upon a Legacy
        or devise or a life estate or a remainder created
        by My Will or any codicil thereto shall be paid
        from the principal of the residue of my estate
        and I direct that all legacies be
                         Nathan H. Daniels
        Paid as soon after my decease as is practicable,
        Eleventh: The number of my trustees shall be up to two,
        and whenever any vacancy shall occur, I then will
        and direct that there shall be nominated and appointed
        a new trustee and in such case the surviving or
        acting trustee for the time being shall, by any
        Instrument or petition nominate a suitable
        person to be appointed by the Judge of Probate
        for the time being having Jurisdiction of
        this will, such trustee in the place of the trustee
        dying, resigning or ceasing or refusing for any
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 4 September 2021
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