Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Will Records 2
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Will Records 2 Page 628
                     Nathan H. Daniels
                   Commonwealth of Massachusetts
        Middlesex SS  Probate Court
        In the matter of the probate of the last will and
        testament of Nathan H. Daniels, late of Bedford
Proof   in said County.
        I, Harry F. Reiser of Bridgwater in the County of
        Plymouth being duly sworn do depose and say that
        Nathan H. Daniels the testator therein named signed the in-
        strument which is dated May 24th 1913, as and for his last
        will and testament in my presence and in the presence
        of Frank G. White and Ralph W. Hobbs the other sub-
        scribing witnesses: that we all thereafter signed our
        names thereto as witnesses at the request and in the
        presence of said testator, and that at the time of signing
        said instrument said testator was in my opinion of
        full age and of sound mind
                                 Hary F. Reiser
        Subscribed and sworn to this eighth day of September
        A.D. 1913, Before me W.E. Roger Register of Probate Court
        No-97226- Nathan H. Daniels, Probate of Will Affidavit of Witness,
        Filed Sept 12, 1913.

Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 8 November 2020
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