Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Will Records 2
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Will Records 2 Page 635
              Nathan H. Daniels
Commonwealth of Massachusetts Middlesex, SS,
Probate Court. To Francis C. Welch of
Boston in the County of Suffolk and
Nathan H. Daniels of Bedford in the
County of Middlesex, and CommonWealth
  You are appointed executors of the Last
Will and Testament of Nathan H. Daniels
late of Bedford in Said County of Middlesex
deceased, testate, which Will was proved and
allowed on the twelfth day of September
A.D. 1913, by said Court, and is now of
record in this Court,
And You are required to make and return
into said Probate Court, Within three
months from the date hereof, a true in-
ventory of all the real and personal
estate of said deceased which at the
time of the making of such inventory
shall have come to your posession or
Knowledge: To Administer, according to
law, and to the Will of said deceased
all the personal estate of said deceased which
may come to your possession, or that of
any person for You, and also the proceeds
of any of the real estate of said deceased that
may be sold or mortgaged by you:
And, also, within three months, to cause notice
of your appointment to be posted in two
or more public places in the City or Town
in which said deceased last dwelt, or
cause the same to be published once each
week for three successive weeks in the
Boston Daily Advertiser, a newspaper published
in Boston, and return your affidavit
of having given such notice, with a
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 27 August 2021
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