Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Will Records 2
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Will Records 2 Page 638
                   H. Amelia Bartleson
       Last Will and Testament of H. Amelia Bartleson
Will   State of Florida }
       County of Duval  }  ss
                   In the Name of God, Amen:
    1  I, H. Amelia Bartleson of the City of Jacksonville, in the
                                          and disposing
    2  County and State aforesaid, being of sound^mind
    3  memory and discretion, with full knowledge of the objects of my
    4  bounty, and the nature and value of the property subject to my
    5  disposition, do make, publish and declare this my last will and
    6  testament, hereby revoking and making null and void all and any
    7  other last will and testament by me heretofore made
    8  Principally, I commit my soul unto God who gave it and my body
    9  to the earth to be interred under the direction of my children.
   10  Item One: I direct that my funeral and all other expenses incurred
   11  during my last illness be paid as soon after my death as can
   12  conveniently be done out of the first moneys that shall be realized
   13  from my personal estate,
   14  Item Two:  It is my will and desire that all my property, real,
   15  personal and mixed, of whatsoever Kind and nature wheresoever
   16  situate, shall be treated and handled by my executors hereinafter
   17  named as one fund, to be divided as directed, and to that end sold
   18  and reduced to cash except such properties and stock as are here-
   19  inafter specifically mentioned, described, and their value respectively
   20  fixed for the purpose of such divisions: and I hereby bequeath
   21  the sum of Forty-eight thousand Dollars ($48,00000) if my estate
   22  shall amount to so much, or such a less sum as may be
   23  derived therefrom, in four (4) equal parts, as follows:
   24(a)  The sum of twelve thousand dollars ($12000) to my daughter, Sarah
   25  Margaret Allen and her husband John S. Allen in the following
   26  properties
   27  The sum of four thousand five hundred Dollars ($4,50000) in cash to
   28  Sarah Margaret Allen, my daughter
   29  And, also the use, occupation, income and profit of and from my
   30  present house in Jacksonville, Duval County Florida, more particularly
   31  described as follows: Lot fourteen (14) in Block seventeen (17) of
   32  Springfield, except the West fifty-nine (59') thereof heretofore
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 10 May 2021
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