Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Will Records 2
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Will Records 2 Page 639
                   H. Amelia Bartleson
 33   conveyed by me to said Sarah Margaret Allen by deed dated
 34   April 10th A.D. 1912, recorded at page 677 of Deed Book Ninety two (92)
 35   of the current public records of said Duval County (the value of
 36   which interest is hereby fixed at the sum of Seven thousand five
 37   hundred Dollars ($750000) in arriving at such share), to my
 38   daughter, Sara Margaret Allen, and her husband John S. Allen Joint-
 39   ly or to the survivor of them for life, but so long only as they or
 40   either of them as the case may be, shall Keep and maintain my said
 41   home place in good and substantial repair and condition and shall
 42   pay all fire Insurance premiums and also all taxes assessed against
 43   said premiums.
 44(B) The further sum of twelve thousand dollars (12,000.00) to my son
 45   Charles W. Bartleson, and I do hereby direct my
      (signed on left margin) H. Amelia Bartleson
      witness as to signature C.W. Smith, L.Q. Carver, W.B. Sheppard
 47   executors to pay this bequest by transfer of capital Stock of the
 48   C.W. Bartleson Company at its par value of one hundred (100.00)
 49   per share, irrespective of its then Book or Market
 50   value.
 51(c)  The further sum of twelve thousand dollars (12,000.00) to my
 52   son John Frank Bartleson
 53 (B) The further sum of twelve thousand dollars (1200000 as the
 54   fourth and last share to the widow and only son of my
 55   late son Mark D. Bartleson, as follows:
 56   The sum of two thousand dollars (200000) in cash to Mamie L.
 57   Bartleson, widow of my late son Mark D. Bartleson
 58   The sum of ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) to my executors hereafter
 59   named, or the survivor of them, in trust nevertheless in
 60   them or them or his successors or successors in such trust
 61   and upon the uses and trust as follows:
 62   To invest the sum so paid over to them as such trustees in
 63   Bonds of the United States of America or in Bonds of any State
 64   County or of any municipal Corporation there regularly
 65   paying its interest or in mortgages of improved
 66   real property situate in the City of Jacksonville Florida
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 9 May 2021
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