Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Will Records 2
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Will Records 2 Page 640
                H. Amelia Bartleson
 67   Duval County, Florida, to an amount not exceeding fifty per cent,
 68  (50%) of its then fair cash Value: to pay over the income
 69   of said fund so invested and from time to time when
 70   my trustees shall thereto fit and deem best, pay any part
 71   of the principal or capital thereof to or for the use and benefit
 72   of my grandchild, Mark D. Bartleson, Junior, for his support,
 73   maintenance and education: and to that end to execute
 74   all proper, good and sufficient deeds, instruments and other
 75   writings as may be thereunto required to carry into effect
 76   the foregoing provision and powers without the direction or inter-
 77   position of any Court or Courts, and to pay over to my
 78   said grand child, Mark D. Bartleson, Junior, and transfer to
 79   him absolutely all such trust property, or so much thereof as
 80   shall not have been applied or disposed of for his use and
 81   benefit, upon his attaining the age of twenty-one years (21)
 82   lent if my said grandson shall die either in my lifetime or
 83   after my death under the age of twenty one (21) years, then
 84   to pay over and transfer absolutely the balance, if any, of
 85   such trust fund so held for my said grandchild, to my children
 86   Charles W. Bartleson, John Frank Bartleson, and Sara Margaret Allen
 87   share and share alike: but in the event of the prior,
 88   death of Sarah Margaret Allen, then to my children, Charles W. Bartleson
 89   and John Frank Bartleson, and their heirs and distributors
 90   at Law: that^upon the trust hereby created shall cease
 91   and determine and all my trustees: duties, obligations
 92   and liabilities thereunder shall be fully Discharged: and I
 93   hereby stipulate that no bond or bonds by any person, Court
 94   or Courts, for the faithful execution of the foregoing trust shall
 95   be required by my said trustees or any of them,
 96   Item Three: I hereby give bequeath and devise all the rest and
 97   residue of my property, including my home place subject to the
 98   use and occupation thereof by the said Sarah Margaret Allen
 99   and her husband, John S. Allen, by them Jointly or by
100   the survivor of them, for life, for life to and unto Charles W. Bartleson
101   John Frank Bartleson and Sarah Margaret Allen wife of
      (signed on left margin)         H. Amelia Bartleson witnesses as to
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 9 May 2021
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