Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Will Records 2
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Will Records 2 Page 641
              H. Amelia Bartleson
      signature, C.W. Smith L.Q. Carver, W.D. Sheppard.
102   John S. Allen, if living at the time of my death, Share and Share
103   alike: and in the event of the prior death of my daughter
104   Sarah Margaret Allen, I hereby give, bequeath and devise all the rest
105   and remainder of my property including my house subject to
106   the said life interest therein, to my children, Charles W. Bartleson
107   and John Frank Bartleson, share and share alike, and to
108   them and their heirs and assigns,
109   Item Four: It is my will and desire and I hereby direct any
110   Executors to give full acquittance to and release my children and
111   grandchild of and from all indebtedness or obligations due and
112   During, by way of advances, loans or otherwise by them or
113   any of them to me directly, or to me as the devisee of the
114   late Warren K. Bartleson, my deceased husband, contracted
115   for prior to July 1st, 1913, lent my executors are hereby directed
116   to deduct from the above specific Legacies and indebtedness
117   or obligations for the payment of money to me, whether by
118   way of advances, loans or otherwise, incurred and contracted
119   on or after July 1st 1913, including any advances that may
120   have been made to my grandchild, Mark D. Bartleson, Junior
121   Item Five: I do hereby direct my daughter, Sarah Margaret Allen
122   and John S. Allen, my beloved son in law, and enjoin upon
123   them the duty at their own expense to keep and maintain my
124   home place in good and substantial repair and condition,
125   and to pay and to keep paid all premiums as they may fall due for
126   properly insuring same against loss by fire and to pay all taxes
127   including special assessments levied and assessed against said
128   premises by the proper governmental authorities,
129   Item Six: It is my will and desire, and I hereby direct my executors
130   in the settlement of my estate, to grant and give unto my
131   son, Charles W. Bartleson the right and privilege to purchase
132   of them such of the capital stock of the C.W. Bartleson
133   Company that I may still own at the time of my death
134   over and above the one hundred and twenty (120) shares directed
135   to be transferred to him at a par value irrespective

Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 9 May 2021
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