Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Will Records 2
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Will Records 2 Page 642
             H. Amelia Bartleson
136   of the then Book or Market value thereof, provided such option
137   and privilege shall be exercised by him within the period
138   of six (6) months after my death
139   Item Seven: I hereby name Constitute and appoint my Children
140   Charles W. Bartleson, John Frank Bartleson and Sarah Margaret Allen,
141   my Executors and Executrix, of this my last will and testament
142   and I hereby direct and stipulate that they and no one of them
143   acting as provided shall be required to enter into any bond or
144   Bonds by any person, Court or Courts, for the faithful carrying
145   out and full execution by them, or any of them, of the directions
146   gifts, bequests and trusts to and upon them laid and
147   required in and by this my last will and testament.
148   Item Eight: I do hereby direct and authorize my executors and
149   executrix and their successors, to use their own judgment and
150   absolute discretion about selling and disposing of all or any part
151   of my property, real, personal or mixed, and to that end, I
152   do hereby further authorize and empower my executors and
      (signed on left margin)          H. Amelia Bartleson
      Witness as to signature, C.W. Smith, L.Q. carver, W.D. Sheppard.
153   executrix and their successors to sell and dispose of the whole of my
154   property, real, personal and mixed, and to divide the proceeds
155   thereof among the within named legatees and beneficiaries as soon
156   as practicable after my death: and to that end, I hereby empower
157   and clothe my executors and executrix and their successors
158   with full and sufficient right and authority to take
159   possession, of, to collect the rents, issues and profits therefrom
160   and to sell and convey the whole or any part or portion
161   of my property of whatsoever nature and wheresoever
162   situate, for cash and also to make, execute and deliver
163   all goods and if sufficient deeds, instruments of transfer and other
164   writings necessary to pass and give a proper title thereto without
165   the order or interference of any Court or Courts: and further
166   that no purchaser or purchasers from my said Executors
167   and Executrix shall be liable for and to see to the application
168   of the proceeds of any such sale by my executors
169   and Executrix so made.
170   In testimony Whereof: I H. Amelia Bartleson
171   do hereby set my hand and affix my seal to this my last will and
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 8 May 2021
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