Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Will Records 2
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Will Records 2 Page 650
                   George W. Sherman.
To the Probate Court for the District of Bridgport.
      Estate of George W. Sherman, late of the town of Trumbull
in said District, deceased.
      The subscribers represent that George W. Sherman
last dwelt in the town of Trumbull in said district
and died on the 21st day of May AD 1915, possed of
goods and estate, remaining to be administered,
leaving a widow, whose marriage took place sub-
sequently to April 20th 1877, whose name is Harriet
(Hattie) E. Sherman of Trumbull, and as his only
heir-at-law and next of Kin, the person whose name
residence and relationship to the deceased is as
follows, viz: name: Grace E. Franenberger: Residence
429 Fairview Ace Bridgport; Relationship: daughter
And that said deceased left a will, herewith presented
for probate, wherein Hattie E. Sherman is named
as Executrix, Wherefore your petitioners pray that
said will may be proved, approved, allowed and admitted
to probate and letters testamentary for said estate may
be granted to Hattie E. Sherman of Trumbull, the Executrix
therein named And being all the persons interested in
said estate hereby accept service and waive notice of the
pendency of the foregoing petition
                              Harriet (Hattie) E. Sherman
                              Grace E. Franenberger
Received, accepted and ordered on Record this 20th day
of July, AD 1915.
                   Attest Paul L. Miller

Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 10 November 2020
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