Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Will Records 2
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Will Records 2 Page 653
                 George W. Sherman
District of Bridgeport SS Probate Court,
   Know all men by these presents, That we
Harriet (Hattie) E. Sherman of the Town of Trumbull
County of Fairfield, and State of Connecticut, as
Principal and Carl E. Franenberger of the Town
of Bridgeport County of Fairfield and State of
Connecticut, as Surety, am holden and firmly
bound, Jointly and severally, to the State of Connecticut
in the penal sum of One hundred ($10000) dollars
to be paid to said State or to its certain Attorney
To the payment of which sum well and truly made
we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors and Administrators
firmly by these presents,
In Witness Whereof, we have hereunto set our hands and
seals, at Bridgeport this 20th day of July AD 1915,
The Condition of the above obligation is such that
Whereas the said Harriet (Hattie) E. Sherman
has been by the Court of Probate for the district
aforesaid confirmed as executrix the last will
and testament of George W. Sherman, late of the town
of Bridgeport in said District, deceased and has
accepted said trust,
Now, therefore, if the said Harriet (Hattie) E. Sherman
shall faithfully Discharge the duties of her said
trust according to law, then this obligation shall
be void, otherwise to remain in full force
Signed, sealed and delivered
in presence of
                           Harriet (Hattie) E. Sherman
                           Carl E. Franenberger

Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 11 November 2020
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