Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Will Records 2
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Will Records 2 Page 654
                        George W. Sherman
At a probate Court held at Bridgeport, within
and for the District of Bridgeport, on the 20" day of
July, A.D. 1916. Present Paul L. Miller, Judge,
   Estate of George W. Sherman, late of Trumbull in
said District. Upon application praying that an in-
strument purporting to be the last will and testament
of said deceased be admitted to probate, this Court
finds that all persons known to be interested in
said estate have signed a waiver of notice of a
hearing on said application, which waiver has been
duly filed in Court, and is ordered recorded and
lodged on file.
  Having fully heard the matter this Court finds
the allegations of said application proved true.
And the due execution of said last will and
testament according to law, to pass real and personal
estate, and that the testator at the time of executing the
             and disposing
same was of sound^mind and memory, having been
fully proved out of court, this Court finds the
same to be true, It is therefore considered that
said will is proved and the same is approved
and ordered to be recorded and lodged on file.
  And on the 20th day of July 1915, this Court
having found that said deceased died testate
confirmed Harriet (Hattie) E. Sherman of
Trumbull, Connecticut appointed by the
said will, executrix thereof, on said estate
who appeared in Court accepted said trust
and gave bond with Sufficient surety in the
Sum of One hundred ($100) dollars, which bond is
hereby approved, accepted, ordered recorded and
lodged on file
     Attest:   Paul L. Miller  Judge

Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 22 November 2020
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