Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Will Records 2
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Will Records 2 Page 659
Amelia C. Dozier, wife of Scriven Dozier three
(3/10) tenths, and to my son Charles H. Chesnut
and his children three (3/10) tenths, all and singular
the residue of my estate and property, real and
personal, that shall remain after the decease of
my said wife, the said Amelia B. Chesnut, their
heirs and assigns in fee simple absolute, provided
the same shall not have been sold by my
said wife, Amelia B. Chesnut as provided for in
Item first.
              Item 4th
I herein and hereby name, nominate and
appoint Amelia B. Chesnut, who has been a faithful
wife to me as Sole Executrix of this my last
will and testament without Bond and with
full and complete power of sale or disposition
of any property, real or personal of which I may
die seized or possessed or to which I may be entitled
at my decease and that may come into her hands
as Executrix as aforesaid, without the order of any
court of law or equity of any Judge thereof.

And I further direct and request that my
said Executrix be not required to make any
appraisement of my property or any accounting
for any money or property that may come into
her hands as Executrix, as aforesaid further than
may be necessary for the payment of any legal
and just debts that may exist against me or
my estate at my decease.
In witness whereof I have signed sealed published
and declared as and for my last and Testament
at and in Gainesville in Alachua County Florida
on the 14th day of December 1911.
                         James Chesnut (Seal)
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 18 December 2010
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