Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Will Records 2
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Will Records 2 Page 665
                    Hannah W. Reed
          each other hereto subscribe our names.
                                Willis E. Sibley
                                Carl M. Blair
                                Clara F. Dakin
          I, Hannah W. Reed of Worcester, in the County of
          Worcester, Massachusetts, do make this codicil to my will
          dated the eighth day of April nineteen hundred
          and ten.
          First Whereas I did in my will make Karl
Codicil   B. Reed, Son, and Fanny Reed Bartlett, niece of
          my late husband, Chas G. Reed, residing legatees
          as will appear in the 15th clause of said Will
          for many reasons, I do now revoke residuary
          legacies, and bequeath to Karl B. Reed One
          thousand dollars ($1000.00) and Fanny Reed
          Bartlett One Thousand dollars ($100000). In case
          either one of them shall not be living at
          my decease then his or her share shall go to
          his or her issue by right of representation. If
          either die leaving no issue them to the sur-
          vivors if living: If no survivors then to his or
          her issue: These legacies to be scaled pro rata
          as specified in clause fourteen of said will
          of not enough to pay in full.
          Second: All the rest residue and remainder
          of my estate of every name and Kind and
          Wherever situated, of which I may then be en-
          titled, I bequeath to my sisters Fannie
          M. Whitcomb and Mary G. Whitcomb.
          In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set
          my hand this third day of July nineteen
          hundred and twelve.
                            Hannah W. Reed
          On this third day of July nineteen hundred
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 22 November 2020
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