Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Will Records 2
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Will Records 2 Page 672
                 John A. Phillips
United States of America }    In Probate Court of
State of Illinois        } SS      said County
County of Vermillion     }
              At a regular term of the Probate
Court of Vermillion County, in the State of
Illinois, begun and held at the Court House
in the City of Danville, in Said Vermillion
County, on the First Monday of May (the
same being the 3rd day of the said month)
in the Year of Our Lord One Thousand
nine Hundred and fifteen of the Independence
of the United States One hundred and Thirty ninth
Honorable W.J. Bookwalter  Judge of Said Court presiding
Harry L. Freeman           Clerk of Said Court,
John H. Lewman             State Attorney
D.G. Williams              Sheriff of said County
Attest Harry L. Freeman, Clerk
  Court opened by Proclamation of the Sheriff,
On Wednesday the 12th day of May A.D. 1915, the Same
being a Judicial day of the May Term A.D. 1915
of said Probate Court, Hon W.J. Bookwalter,
Judge of said Court, being present, and other
Officers of said Court named in the placita
of said term also being present the following
among other proceedings were had in said
Court, to wit:
In Re Estate of John A. Phillips, deceased,
      On this day, comes Rose V. Phillips and
Presents her petition verified by her affidavit
praying that the instrument in writing purporting
to be the Last Will and Testament of said John A.
Phillips, deceased, may be admitted to Probate and
that the Court will make such other and further
orders in the matter as may be necessary and lawful
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 21 November 2020
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