Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Will Records 2
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Will Records 2 Page 674
                 John A. Phillips
the above matter, and waive the mailing of a
Copy of the said petition to them, and each
of them, and they, and each of them, also waive
notice of the time and place of the hearing of
the said petition.
   These petitioners pray that the said Instrument
of Writing may be admitted to probate in Said
Court at any time after the filing therein of this
entry of appearance, waiver of notice and petition
                              Rose V. Philips
                              Geo A. Phillips
                              Roy B. Phillips
                              Frank A. Phillips
And it appearing to the Court from the said
petition that on, that is to say, the 23rd day of February
AD 1915, John A. Phillips, departed this life at Danville
in the County of Vermillion and State of Illinois,
leaving said Instrument of Writing purporting
to be his Last Will and Testament; that said
decedent was a resident of Danville, in the
County and State aforesaid at the time of his
death; that said decedent left surviving him
Rose V. Phillips his widow residing in Danville Ills
and George A. Phillips, Roy B. Phillips and Frank A. Phillips
his only heirs at Law, All of Whom are legatees under
said Last Will and Testament; whose places of Residence
are stated in said petition.
  And it appearing to the Court from the testimony
of the said subscribing Witnesses heard in open Court
here on this day that they the said subscribing
Witnesses were present and saw the said John A.
Phillips sign the said Instrument in Writing
in their presence and that they believe the said
Testator to be of sound mind and memory
of lawful age and acting voluntarily at the
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 16 November 2020
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