Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 9
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Judgment Docket 9 Page 156
and the East fence thereof, and the location of the street and the
use of a street on the East of said lot running North and south
along its entire Eastern side; but notwithstanding this uncertain
ty it appears to the Court from a consideration of the convey
ances in evidence that it was the intention of the original
grantors of said Callison or Griffin lot that Prairie Street or
Avenue should extend along the Eastern side of this lot, The
original conveyances of this lot or rather Early conveyances
call for nine acres more or less, While the conveyances of
later date and made by parties claiming under these early
conveyances, call for Eleven acres more or less, Taking the
strip of forty feet off the East side of the Griffin lot as now
fenced, and moving the East fence thereof West for that distance
There would still remain in the lot about nine and one half
acres of land, as much as the early conveyances call for,
This fact taken in connection with the oral testimony of
witnesses and especially with the testimony of Engineer Taylor
leads the Court to the conclusion that a strip of land forty feet
wide extending from South to North along the East side of the
Griffin lot and within the present inclosure was dedicated
as a street and was reserved as such by the early owners and
grantors of this Griffin lot, for the benefit of the public, I
do not think that adverse possession has been sufficiently plea
ed or shown, evidence of the doctrine applies
   I find that the complainant has failed to make out the
allegations of his bill of complaint, and that defendants answer
is sustained and supported by the proofs, It is therefore
ordered adjudged and Decreed that the bill be dismissed at the
cost of complainant Ordered at Chambers Ocala Fla 18th February 1899
                             W.A. Hocker
Filed Febry 23, 1899 Recorded March 1st 1899
                           H.C. Denton Clerk
                          pr E.C. Wimberly DC

                   In Circuit Court 5th Judicial Circuit of Florida
                        Alachua County   In Chancery
Joel Holt                         }
   vs                             } Bill for Receiver &c
C.B. Easterlin and J.D. Easterlin }
                     This cause coming on to be heard before
me upon motion of the Special Master herein Robt E Davis
for order to correct the decree rendered herein on the 10th day
of February AD 1899, and the same being considered it is
ordered that the said decree heretofore rendered herein be
vacated and the following decree be entered herein to wit
This cause coming on to be heard on motion of the Master
Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 5 April 2015
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