Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 9
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Judgment Docket 9 Page 157
R.E. Davis to allow him compensation and tax his costs in the above
styled cause. It is therefore ordered adjudged and decreed as there is
no opposition to the amount claimed by him, that the said Master be
allowed the sum of $28.94 which amount is proportioned among the
said parties as follows viz, from the complainant the sum of $15.29
all of which has been paid except $204 and from the defendants $13.65
and that the said parties do pay the said Master said sums of
money within twenty days after notice of this order
Ocala Fla Feby 20th 1899                W.A. Hocker
Filed Feby 24th 1899 Recorded March 1st 1899
                                H.C. Denton Clerk
                             pr E.C. Wimberly DC

                  In the Circuit Court of the 5th Judicial Circuit of
                  of Fla in and for Alachua County  In Chancery
James Ead Etal }
     vs        }
H.M. Eddy Etal }
               This cause is before me on motion of defend
ant to hear the cause on bill and answer and on motion of
complainant to extend the time for taking the testimony. The
facts in this case are almost exactly similar to those in the
care of F.W. Wagener & Co vs H.M. Eddy Etal, pending in the
same court in which an order was made yesterday. For reasons
stated in the said order and which need not be repeated it is
ordered adjudged and decreed that the time for taking testimony
be extended for thirty days from this date & the motion to
hear the case on bill and answer be denied.
Ocala Fla Febry 22nd 1899            W.A. Hocker
Filed Feby 23rd 1899, Recorded March 1st 1899
                              H.C. Denton Clerk
                             pr E.C. Wimberly DC

           In the Circuit Court of Alachua County Fla
                                In Chancery
F.W. Wagener & Co }
     vs           }
H.M. Eddy Etal    }
                This cause comes before me on motion
of the complainants for an extension of time to take testimo
ny and on the motion of the defendants H.M. & G.M. Tillis
to hear the cause on bill and answer, It is insisted by
the defendants solicitor that upon the principles applied by
this court in a case recently decided in Alachua County
viz the case of Jone Etal vs C.W. White that the motion
Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 5 April 2015
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