Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 9
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Judgment Docket 9 Page 159
chancery heretofore filed in this cause be, and the same are herein and hereby
confirmed in every particular; and that the defendants Susan H. Hutchinson
and A.S. Hutchinson her husband are indebted to the complainant in
the sum of four hundred & three & twenty five hundredths ($403.25) dollars
for principal and interest and fines due upon the Bond and Mortgage
sued upon and the further sum of Ninety ($90.00) dollars Solicitors
fee which is herein and hereby allowed to the complainants Solicitor
for the foreclosure of this mortgage, and that the said defendants do
pay the same at once.
Second; That in default of the payment of this Decree, fees and costs by the said
defendants, that J.A. Ammons, who is herein and hereby appointed as Special
Master in chancery to Execute this Decree do advertise and sell at time and
place, and in the manner prescribed by law the following described property to
wit: all that certain lot, tract, piece or parcel of land, situated
lying and being in the County of Alachua and State of Florida
and more particularly described as follows to wit: Commencing at a Stake
on the North west corner of the North East quarter of section 32; Township
9 S of Range 20 E and run South ten chains thence East seven chains
& twenty links; thence North ten chains to the Northern boundary
line of said section 32; thence West along said section line seven
chains and twenty links to the place of beginning, and containing
seven & one fifth acres of land more or less;
Together with all and singular the rights tenements hereditaments and
appurtenances to the same belonging or in any wise appertaining
to satisfy and pay said mortgage. That said Master do make and
execute to the purchaser of and for the said property a good
and sufficient deed thereto - do put the purchaser thereof in
possession, and do pay the proceeds arising from the sale
of the said property to the complainant or to its solicitor
of record, sufficient to pay said Decree, fees and costs
and the over plus if any as the court may direct;
Third;- That after the sale of the said property, the said
defendants Susan H. Hutchinson and A.S. Hutchinson her
husband and Michael Beckler and each of them and all
and every person or persons now claiming the said property
or any part thereof, by, through or under them or either of them
do there after stand absolutely debarred and foreclosed of and
from all right or equity of redemption, of in and to the 
said property, and every part and parcel thereof.
Done and order at chambers at Ocala Florida, on this 1st day
of March AD 1899
                           W.A. Hocker,
Filed March 2d 1899 Recorded March 2d 1899
                                 H.C. Denton Clerk
                                pr S.H. Wienges DC
Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 5 April 2015
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