Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 9
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stated; and that the equities of this cause are with the complainant, and
that there is now due and owing to the complainant by the defendants
John F. Nipper and Hattie Nipper his wife on said note and mortgage to the
14th day of March AD 1899 as principal and interest on said note and
mortgage sued upon the sum of Twenty two 10/100 Dollars and the further sum
of Thirty ($30) Dollars as and for Solicitors fees in said cause. It is therefore
upon consideration thereof considered ordered adjudged and decreed by
the Court as follows to wit: That the defendants do pay to the complainant
or to B.A. Thrasher Solicitor for complainant on or before the 20 day of
March 1899 the sum of Twenty Two 10/100 Dollars and also pay to said B.A.
Thrasher Solicitor for complainant the sum of Thirty Dollars allowed for
solicitors fees in said cause to said B.A. Thrasher Solicitor aforesaid
and the costs of said suit to be taxed by the Clerk of said Court.
That in default of said payment being made as aforesaid by the defendants
then in that case the mortgaged premises mentioned in the bill of
complaint in this cause as that certain piece parcel or tract of land
lying and being in the County of Alachua State of Florida to wit Eighty
acres on the south side of lots one and two of the North East quarter of
section two Township Ten south of Range Sixteen East Together with
all and singular the tenements, hereditaments hereditaments and
appurtenances to the same belonging or in anywise appertaining or so
much of said premises as may be sufficient to realize the amount of 
Fifty two 10/100 Dollars so due complainant with interest at the rate
of eight per cent per annum from March 14 1899 to date of sale/The
same to be sold at public auction by the Special Master herein
named by the Special Master herein named by the Court after due
and legal notice of the time and place of such sale as by statute
required and that said Special Master execute and deliver to the
purchaser or purchasers at such sale a good and sufficient deed
or deeds for so much or such part of said mortgaged premises as
shall be sold at said sale, and do put said purchaser or purchasers
in possession thereof. That said Special Master out of the
proceeds of said sale he pay to B.A. Thrasher solicitor for complainant
his fee of Thirty Dollars and shall also retain his fees & commission on said
sale. That he pay to the officers of the Court their costs in this suit and
out of the remainder of such proceeds pay to complainant herein or his
solicitor B.A. Thrasher for him the sum of Twenty Two 10/100 Dollars together
with interest on same at the rate of 8 per cent per annum from
March 14th 1899 to date of sale. If such remainder after paying solicitors
fees costs and expenses of sale be insufficient to pay the whole
of said amount as aforesaid Then that he apply said remainder, to the
extent to which it may reach in satisfaction of said amount. That in
case the said premises shall sell for more than sufficient to pay the
principal costs and solicitors fees as aforesaid, then the said Special
Master after making payments as aforesaid then the said Surplus
over to the defendants herein. It is further ordered adjudged and 
decreed that the defendants John F. Nipper and Hattie F. Nipper and
Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 10 April 2015
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