Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 9
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Judgment Docket 9 Page 172
                         In the Circuit Court of the 5th Judicial Circuit
                         of Florida in and for Alachua County = In Chancery
Thomas V. Porter                }
        vs                      } Foreclosure of Mortgage
J.A. Carlisle Trustee           }
S.J. Burnett and Ida E. Burnett }
               This cause coming on this day to be heard and upon
consideration thereof it appearing to the court that the Equities of the case
are with complainant and that there is due said complainant on the
debt secured by the mortgage filed as an Exhibit in said cause
principal and interest the sum of $1225.00 together with an attorney's fees
of $100, to complainants solicitors, it is adjudged ordered and decreed
that the Masters report filed in this cause be and the same is
confirmed in every particular and that unless J.A. Carlisle Trustee
and S.J. Burnett immediately pay the said sums of money with
the costs of this proceedings the mortgaged property described in
the Bill of Complaint in this cause to wit: The following described
pieces, parcels or tracts of land situated lying and being in the
county of Alachua and State of Florida to wit: Block Two (2)
Lots Three and Four (3&4) of Block Three (3) Blocks Five (5)
Four (4) Six (6) Seven (7) Lots One (1) and Four (4) of Block Eight (8)
Blocks Ten (10) Twelve (12) and Thirteen (13) of Lots Three (3) and
Four (4) of the Gary Grant as is fully shown by reference
had to the Plat of said lots three (3) and Four (4) recorded
in Plat Book "A" at page Thirty six (36) the same being one
of the Public records of Alachua County Florida, save and 
except therefrom Lots one, Two, and three of Block Two of
subdivision of Lots Three and Four of the Gary Grant as is
shown by reference had to recorded Plat of said subdivision
in Plat Book "A" page 36 one of the Public records of
Alachua County Florida same being in Township Ten S.
of Range Nineteen E in Alachua County Florida,
the lots of land lastly mentioned and described having
been on the 27th day of May AD 1893 released from said mortgage
by the said Thos V. Porter, Together with all and singular
the tenements hereditaments and appurtenances to the
same belonging or appertaining or so much of said
lands as may be necessary be sold at public auction
for case to the highest bidder at the door of the court House
of said Alachua County to pay the same, That notice of 
the time and place of sale be published as required by
law in some newspaper in Alachua County Florida,
That H.G. Mason is hereby appointed a Special Master
to execute this decree: that on the said sale the
said Special Master shall execute a Deed to the land
so sold to the purchaser thereof That out of the
proceeds of sale he shall pay the costs of this suit.
Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 12 April 2015
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