Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 9
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Judgment Docket 9 Page 173
together with his fees and expenses of sale and the balance of the
purchase money to the complainant or his solicitor of record in this
cause in payment so far as it will go after deducting the said attorneys
fees of the amount due complainant and should there be any balance
remaining after such payments said Special Master shall bring the
same into court to abide the further order thereof: That should said
sale take place then the defendants in this cause, and all persons
claiming by through or under them be forever barred and foreclosed of
and from all equity of redemption of in and to said mortgaged
At Ocala Florida this 30th day of March AD 1899
                                  W.A. Hocker
Filed April 13th 1899 Recorded April 13th 1899
                             H.C. Denton Clerk
                              pr S.H. Wienges DC

                      In Circuit Court of the 5th Judicial Circuit
                      of Florida in and for Alachua County = In Chancery
Edmond Le Greve }
       complt   }
     vs         } Bill for Divorce
Agnes Le Greve  }
         Deft   } Final Decree
          The above cause came on to be heard before me upon
the pleading proofs and findings of the Master in chancery hereinbefore
appointed and upon consideration thereof the court being advised in
the premises; It is thereupon considered ordered adjudged and decreed
as follows; First, That the marriage relation heretofore existing
between the parties Edmond Le Greve, the complainant and Agnes Le Greve
the defendant, be and the same is hereby dissolved and declared to be from
hence forth null and void, and the said parties divorced "a vinculo matrimonii;
second, That the complainant Edmond Le Greve until the further order of the
court do have the permanent management, care custody and control of the
said infants to wit: John Edward Le Greve, Marie Clothilde Le Greve &
Riginald Le Greve. Third,- That this decree of divorce is made as aforesaid
because of the habitual indulgence in a violent and ungovernable temper
by the defendant Agnes Le Greve, toward the complainant Edmond Le Greve
considered ordered adjudged and decreed in Chambers at Palatka
Florida on this April 20th AD 1899
                                    W.A. Hocker
Filed April 21st 1899 Recorded April 22d 1899
                        H.C. Denton Clerk
                      pr S.H. Wienges DC

Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 12 April 2015
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