Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 9
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Judgment Docket 9 Page 178
                    Spring Term AD 1899
                     Tuesday May 9th
 Whereupon the Court proceeded to sound the Civil Docket
Charlotte K. Zetrouer et al }
          vs                } Ejectment
J.J. Barr                   }
           And now this cause is continued

Z.T. Smallwood   }
    vs           } Assumpsit
R.J. Camp & Bros }
            And now this cause is continued

L.J. Mixson & Co             }
    vs                       } Assumpsit
W.A. Sigsbee as Receiver etc }
          And now this cause is dismissed at cost of plaintiff
upon motion of plaintiffs attorney

George P. Lovell  }
       vs         } Action at Law
Lucuis Montgomery }
  And now this cause is continued

Alice A. Richbourg and     }
D.J. Richbourg her husband } Forcible Entry
          vs               }
W.D. Fagan & Co etal       }
         And now this cause is continued on application of

State of Florida  }
       vs         } Embezzlement
Walter A. Sigsbee }
          And now this cause is continued by consent, on
account of sickness of Geo K. Broome

Aaron Stern Henry Lauer  }
Charles Shohl and        }
Samuel Aul Partners      } Assumpsit
doing business under the }
firm name and style of   }
Stern Lauer Shohl & Co   }
          V              }
Joseph Manassee          }
        Now this cause coming on to be heard
Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 12 April 2015
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