Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 9
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Judgment Docket 9 Page 187
          Spring Term A.D. 1899
              Friday May 12th
persons returnable on the 17th day of May 1899 at 2 oclock P.M.
In open Court this 12th day of May 1899
                                       W.A. Hocker
Whereupon the Clerk issued the Venire as by order of the Court
       And Now the Grand Jury came into open Court and
made the following report to wit:

State of Florida }   Indictment for
       vs        }   Assault with intent to Murder
Philip W. Warren }      A True Bill
                              Josiah E. Haynesworth  Foreman
State Witnesses: Hardy Bryan G.A. Davis, Mrs. Addie Stephens
                 L.C. Stephens  R.C. Hodges  C.C. Howell  W.J. Barber
                 J.Y. Bradley & J.W. Keyes

State of Florida }   Indictment for
       Vs        }  Grand Larceny
John Range       }    A True Bill
                             Josiah E. Haynesworth  Foreman
State witnesses:  Jim Lundy  R.A. Land

State of Florida }   Indictment for
       Vs        }  Assault with intent to Murder
Reed F. Tillis   }     A True Bill
                            Josiah E. Haynesworth  Foreman
State Witnesses: Hampton M. Tillis  James P. Bauknight
                 Rachel Haile

State of Florida }   Indictment for
       Vs        } Larceny of Domestic Animal
Laz Shaw and     }     A True Bill
Samuel Welch     }     Josiah E. Haynesworth  Foreman
State Witnesses: Harvey Thomas  David Suggs  Wyatt Bailey
                 Albert Debose

State of Florida }
       Vs        }  Not a True Bill
Roson Croxton    }      Josiah E. Haynesworth  Foreman

  And now the Grand Jury having completed its labors
presented and had read its general presentment
  Whereupon the Grand Jury was discharged without day
and Court adjourned until Wednesday next at 2 oclock pm the 17th May
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 12 January 2015
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