Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 9
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Judgment Docket 9 Page 190
           Spring Term A.D. 1899
                 Wednesday May 17
the order of attachment entered in the above styled cause
on the 28th day of April A.D. 1899 so as to order the said
C.B. Easterlin and J.D. Easterlin to pay the Cost of said attachment
in addition to the amount to be paid to the special master
therein And now this motion being submitted to the Court and
argued and the Court being advised in the premises doth
decide and order that said motion be and is hereby granted

State of Florida     }
       Vs            }  Assault with intent to Murder
T.B. Brisbon         }
            And now this cause is continued

State of Florida     }
       Vs            }  Murder
Joseph Martin        }
          And now this cause is nol prossed by the State
because of State not being able to get a witness who is

State of Florida     }
        Vs           }  Embezzlement
S.T. Kirkland        }
          And now this Cause is nolle prossed

State of Florida     }
         Vs          }  Murder
W.K. Lynn            }
              The defendant is dead

State of Florida     }
         Vs          }  Assault with intent to Murder
E. Phillips          }
           And now this cause is ordered placed on the
Absentee Docket.

State of Florida     }
         Vs          }  Breaking and Entering with
Wes Mitchener        }  intent to commit a Misdemeanor
       And now this cause is continued

   Whereupon Court adjourned until Nine
Oclock tomorrow morning

Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 5 March 2014
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