Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 9
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Judgment Docket 9 Page 191
                     Spring Term AD 1899
                      Thursday May 18.

   Court met pursuant to adjournment of yesterday his
Honor W.A. Hocker Judge presiding
     And now comes L.W. Fennell Sheriff of Alachua County
and returns the Venire for two jurors to complete the panel of
the petit jury for this the second week of the term as having
been executed by summoning the following named persons
to wit: W.C. Dell and H.L. Phifer in person
  And now the panel of the Petit Jury for this the second
week of this Term of the Court being complete, there came as
jurors for this the second week of the Spring Term 1899 of this court
S.M. Riles R.W. Hall W.D. Holden J.A. McKinstry R.F. Rucker E.Y Spencer
A.B. Zetrouer I. Mizell C.C. Cox S.J. Sikes W.C. Dell and H.L. Phifer -
  In the Circuit Court of Alachua County Spring Term 1899
It being necessary to hold this Term of the Court during the
next and third week of this Term the Judge in the presence of
the Clerk and Sheriff drew the following named persons from 
the box containing the names of the persons selected for jurors
for 1899 by the County Commissioners for regular petit jurors
for the said third week of this term Viz:
L.J. Burkhim J.P. Whilden S.G. Wynne D.A. Dunnaway
J.W. Harris E.A. ONeil G.S. Chamberlin G.P. Ford
Z.M. Sanders Geo R. Ellis E.D. Hodges T.M. Kincaid

 The Clerk will issue a venire for the foregoing petit jurors
returnable at 9 oclock AM 25 May 1899.
Done in open Court. May 18, 1889.
                                W.A. Hocker
       In Circuit Court
Alachua County Florida Spring Term 1899

State of Florida }
      Vs         } Murder
Elias Griffin    }
               On this 18th May 1899 came the
State Attorney and announced ready for trial and
also the defendant in person and by attorney and
announced that he would be ready for trial on
Tuesday the 23 May 1899 and the case was then set
for trial at 9 O'clock AM on Tuesday the 23d May 1899
And it appearing to the Court that to secure a jury
for the trial of said cause it is necessary to have a Special
jury, the judge of the Court in the presence of the Sheriff
and Clerk of this Court drew from the box containing the
Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 18 April 2015
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