Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 9
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Judgment Docket 9 Page 198
            Spring Term A.D. 1899
              Tuesday May 23d

  Court met pursuant to adjournment of Friday last
his Honor W.A. Hocker Judge presiding

    And now came L.W. Fennell Sheriff of Alachua County
and returns the regular Venire of the petit Jury issued
out of this Court for the third week of this Term of the
Court as having been executed by summoning in person
L.J. Burkhim J.P. Whilden S.G. Wynne D.A. Dunnaway
J.W. Harris E.A. ONeil G.S. Chamberlin G.P. Ford Zell Sanders
Geo R. Ellis E.D. Hodges and T.M. Kincaid: Whereupon for
good and sufficient cause shown the Court excused:
J.P. Whilden E.A. O'Neil Geo R. Ellis E.D. Hodge and T.M. Kincaid
from further attendance upon the Court.

  And now comes L.W. Fennell Sheriff of Alachua County
and returns the Special Venire for fifty jurors issued out
of this Court in the case of the
State of Florida }
    Vs           } Murder
Elias Griffin    }
   As having been executed by summoning in person
J.H. Avera Jr. Irvin Holden W.B. Lewis R.P,. Lumpkin
J.H. Post David Roe J.T. Brush L.B. Gay W.E. Brown
H.R. Stokes S.D. Tillman C.C. Pedrick Wm Adams Geo M. Desha
A.A. McRae T.J. Knight T.C. Beck  T.C. Bryant T.J. Hammond
J.D. Williams J.J. Barr J.M. Stephens P.T. Westgard S.T. Dell
Horace Giddings A.R. Kelly  J.A. Emerson  J.P. Tompkins S.W. Vaughn
C.C. Doke, R.L. Stringfellow E.S. Swilley Frank Rawls L.N. Roberts
D.C. McIntosh, S.F. Waite C.D. Wood T.J. Love G.W. Gibbons
C.C. Morrison C.C. Townsend D.P. Miller S.H. Breeden
W.F. Beckham and S.E. Bauknight
  The following named persons not served not to be
found in the County viz: A.J. Lamb, P.C. Colson, F.S. Smith
and Henry Thomas
   Whereupon for good and sufficient cause shown the
Court excused L.B. Gay  T.C. Beck J.J. Barr S.T Dell J.A. Emmerson
E.S. Swilley and D.P. Miller from further attendance upon the Court

State of Florida }
       Vs        } Murder
Elias Griffin    }
              The undersigned attorneys for the
prosecution and defense in the above styled cause
represent unto your Honor that it is necessary to have
Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 18 April 2015
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