Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 9
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Judgment Docket 9 Page 201
                     Spring Term AD 1899
                       Tuesday May 23
ordered that the parties be present at Judge Horatio Davis office
at Gainesville Florida on My 18th 1899 at 8 oclock pm at which
time the Court would proceed to tax the costs of such Special Master
 All the parties were present at such place and time and
submitted their arguments. After consideration the Court finds
no error in the costs as taxed by the master and fixed and allowed
the same as by the order of April 3d 1899. The complainant G.F.
Sickles is ordered to pay the said costs so apportioned to him
amounting to fifty six 80/100 Dollars to the said master by 9 oclock
AM of the 24th day of May AD 1899 A certified copy of this order to be
upon him by 12 oclock noon of the 23d day of May AD 1899
Done and ordered at Gainesville Florida
this 23d day of May AD 1899           W.A. Hocker

  In Circuit Court of Alachua County
               Fifth Judicial Circuit of Florida
  It appearing to the Court that there is a deficiency of
five jurors to complete the regular panel of the Petit Jury
for this the 3d week of this term of the Court, it is ordered that the
Clerk of this Court do issue a Venire directed to the Sheriff of Alachua
County commanding him to summon from the bystanders
or from the body of the county at large five persons qualified
to serve as jurors to complete the panel of the petit Jury for
this the 3d week of the Spring Term of our Circuit Court AD 1899
said Venire returnable tomorrow morning at 9 oclock
Done and ordered in open Court
this 23d day of May 1899               W.A. Hocker
Whereupon the Clerk issued the venire as by the court
        Whereupon Court adjourned until tomorrow
morning at Nine Oclock

        - Wednesday May 24th -

  Court met this day pursuant to adjournment of
yesterday his Honor W.A Hocker Judge presiding

  And now comes L.W. Fennel Sheriff of Alachua
County and returns the Venire for five jurors to complete
the panel of the Petit Jury for this the third week of this
Term as having been executed by summoning the
following named persons in person to wit: C.C. Townsend
S.E. Bauknight C.D. Wood G.H. Gibbins and C.C. Doke.
Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 19 April 2015
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