Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 9
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Judgment Docket 9 Page 203
                         Spring Term AD 1899
                         Thursday May 25

  In the Circuit Court of Alachua County Florida
                Spring Term AD 1899
State of Florida }
       Vs        } Rape
Walter Thomas    }
               The above styled cause having been set for trial
on the 24th day of May 1899 and it appearing to the presiding
Judge to be necessary to have a special venire from which
to select a jury to try said cause, it is therefore ordered that the
Clerk of this court do issue a venire directed to the Sheriff of
Alachua County directing him to summon from the bystanders
or from the body of the county at large twenty five persons to serve
as special jurors on said cause, said Venire returnable instanter
Done in open Court this May 25th 1899
                                     W.A. Hocker
 Whereupon the Clerk issued the following venire as by the Court
State of Florida
       To L.W. Fennell Sheriff of Alachua County
           You are hereby commanded to summon from the
bystanders or from the body of the county at large Twenty five
persons qualified to serve as jurors each for himself to be and
personally appear before the judge of our circuit court at the
Court House in the City of Gainesville, instanter to serve as Special
jurors in the case of the State of Florida Vs Walter Thomas
charged with rape
  Witness the Hon. W.A. Hocker Judge of the Fifth Judicial
Circuit of Florida and the seal of said Court this 25th day of
May AD 1899                    H.C. Denton
                 (seal)          Clerk Circuit Court

 And now comes L.W. Fennell Sheriff of Alachua County
and returns the special venire issued out of this Court
for twenty five persons to serve as jurors in the case of the
State of Florida Vs Walter Thomas as having been executed
by summoning the following named persons to wit:
G.R. Crump J.J. Tinsley A.R. Scruggs J.P. Bauknight P.H. Reynolds
E.M. Clark H.L. Phifer W.R. Thomas B.F. Jordan J.B. Warren
W.W. Avera B.M. Tench P.T. Wilson O.B. Bailey P.Y. Smith
J.B. Douglass H.F. Watts Walter Riggs W.G. Pague G.S. Merchant
A.M. Endel J. Manassee J.M. Dell D.M. Tomkies O.F. Gardner
who were sworn on voirdire examined and found Qualified
Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 19 April 2015
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