Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 9
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Judgment Docket 9 Page 207
                          Spring Term A.D. 1899
                                 Friday May 26th

             State of Florida }
                   Vs         }  Rape
             Walter Thomas    }
                                   Motion for New Trial
                And now comes the defendant by his attorney J.A. Ammons
             Esquire and moves he Court to set aside the Verdict rendered in
             this cause on the 25th day of May 1899 and to grant a new trial
             herein. Now said motion being submitted to the Court and the
             Court being advised in the premises doth decide and order
             that said motion be and is hereby overruled: to which
             ruling and order of the Court the defendant by his attorney
             then and there excepted It is further ordered by the Court
             that the defendant be allowed sixty days in which to prepare
             and settle bill of exceptions

             Whereupon the Court adjourned until tomorrow morning at 8 1/2 Oclock

              Saturday May 27th 1899

             Court met pursuant to adjournment of yesterday his Honor
             W.A. Hocker Judge presiding

             State of Florida }
                      vs      }  Murder
(Sentence)   Elias Griffin    }
               And now the prisoner Elias Griffin being in open Court for
             sentence was demanded if he has anything to say why sentence
             of the law should not be passed upon him saith nothing
             Whereupon the Court sentenced the prisoner in manner and
             form as follows, to wit; The sentence of the law is that You Elias
             Griffin be imprisoned by confinement in the State Prison for
             the period of your natural life at hard labor.

             State of Florida }
(Sentence)            vs      }  Rape
             Walter Thomas    }
                       And now the prisoner Walter Thomas being in open Court for sentence
             was demanded if he had anything to say why the sentence of the law should not
             be passed upon him saith nothing.
             Whereupon the Court sentenced the prisoner in manner and form as follows
             to wit:  The sentence of the law is that you Walter Thomas be
             imprisoned by confinement in the State prison for the period of your
             natural life at hard labor.

Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 13 January 2015
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