Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 9
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Judgment Docket 9 Page 212
                   Spring Term 1899
                 Saturday May 27th 1899
and not otherwise disposed of be continued generally
Whereupon Court adjourned sine die
May 27th 1899                    W.A. Hocker

               In the Circuit Court Fifth Circuit
              In and for Putnam County Florida In Chancery
A.J. DaCosta as Executor of the last will and }
testament of Mary E. Shuford deceased         }
                 vs                           }
William Dibble and J.B. Bunce as Executors    }
of the last will and testament of Calvin B.   }
Dibble deceased and J.B. Bunce                }
              This cause coming on to be heard on the mandate of the
Supreme Court of Florida whereby it is ordered and decreed that the
decree of this Court dismissing the bill and the order allowing the
plea upon arguments, be reversed it is now, in accordance with said
mandate ordered adjudged and decreed that the defendants plea herein
be overruled; and it appearing that the defendants said plea is
overruled because defective in form and informally pleaded it is further
ordered on the defendants motion, that the defendants may have
advantage of the matters set up in said plea if well pleaded
in their answer, and the defendants now tendering their answer for
filing; it is ordered that they have leave to file the same and
that the complainant be allowed until rule day in July AD 1899 to
take such action as he may be advised in reference thereto
                                      W.A. Hocker
Filed June 5th 1899 Recorded June 5th 1899
                             H.C. Denton Clerk
                              pr S.H. Weinges DC

                         In the Circuit Court 5th Judicial Circuit
                         of Fla In and for Alachua County. In Chancery
J.J. Barr     }
    vs        } Deficiency Decree
John O. Tyson }
              This cause coming on this day to be heard on the report of
sale of E.E. Voyle Special Master filed in said cause on the 16th day of May
AD 1899 and in consideration thereof and it appearing to the Court
that notice of this hearing has been given defendants attorney it is ordered
adjudged and decreed that said report be and the same is hereby confirmed
and it appearing from said report that there is still due by
the said John O. Tyson to the said J.J. Barr on his debt secured

[ Written in left margin: ]

For value Received I hereby acknowledge
full payment and satisfaction of this
Judgment this the 1st day of September
AD 1902           Jno J. Barr (LS)
      H.C. Denton Clerk
       pr S.H. Weinges DC
Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 25 April 2015
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