Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 9
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Judgment Docket 9 Page 213
by the mortgage foreclosure in this cause the sum of Two Thousand six
hundred and forty six & 72/100 Dollars it is further ordered adjudged and 
decreed that the said J.J. Barr do have and recover of and from the
said John O. Tyson the said sum of $2646 72/100 and that an execution do
issue thereon upon request of the said Barr or his attorney to satisfy
and pay this decree therefor
Done and ordered at Gainesville Alachua County Florida this 26th 
day of May AD 1899
                             W.A. Hocker
Filed May 26th 1899 Recorded June 7th 1899
                              H.C. Denton

           In Circuit Court 5th Judicial Circuit of Florida
           in and for Alachua County
Jessie Reddick }
     vs        } Divorce
Louise Reddick } Final Decree
        This cause coming on to be finally heard upon the
complainants Bill and the proofs filed herein, upon a consideration
of the same the court being advised in the premises, it is adjudged
ordered and decreed that the bonds of matrimony heretofore existing
between Jessie Reddick the Complainant and Louis Reddick
the defendant be and the same are hereby annulled and dissolved
Done and ordered at Gainesville Florida this 26th day of May AD
                                   W.A. Hocker
Filed May 26th 1899 Recorded June 7th 1899
                     H.C. Denton Clerk
                     pr S.H. Wienges DC

                 In Circuit Court Alachua County Fla
The C.B. Rogers Co }
      vs           } Motion to quash  Garnishment
R.M. Williams & Co } against J.F. Bunch
     This is a motion to quash and dismiss the writ of
garnishment issued in above styled cause on the 25th Oct 1898
and served on same day on the Gainesville & Gulf Railway Co as
garnishee made by J.F. Bunch who was alleged in the declaration as
one of the late firm of R.M. Williams & Co - It was admitted in argument
that the garnishment issued against J.F. Bunch, and that the property
garnished was his individual property. It appears that no service
of process in the suit against the partnership was made on
Bunch but only on Williams - Carter & Haile appeared for the
defendants & filed a plea for Williams but there is no individual
appearance for Bunch and no plea was filed by him. It is contended 
Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 25 April 2015
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