Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 9
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Judgment Docket 9 Page 216
                                     In Circuit Court Alachua County Florida
Charles E. Haile Jr. John M. Haile et al}
                      vs                }  Bill for Partition &c
            James C. Haile              }
                     This Cause coming on to be heard on this day upon
an application of Complainants Solicitor for a decree of Partition
therein and for the appointment of Commissioners of Partition, and it
appearing to the Court that the defendant James C. Haile has put in and
filed an answer to the Bill of Complaint herein which answer he
admits all the allegations of the Bill to be true and therein consents to and
agrees that decrees of Partition shall be made herein as is prayed for in the
Bill of Complaint herein, and that the Court should appoint Commissioners of
Partition who are herein named.  It is therefore hereby considered ordered
adjudged and decreed by the Court that partition and division shall be
made of the following described pieces or parcels of land situated in Alachua
County State of Florida and described in the Bill of Complaint herein
as follows; to wit: and Known, as the "Haile" tract in South West
Gainesville and particularly described as follows to wit: Commencing at the
North West corner of the lot or tract of land in Gainesville Florida
recorded in Deed Book O, at page 407 which North West corner is
on a line of street which runs North and South along East Front of
lots now owned by Mrs. O.A. Porter run thence from said North
West corner East 1054 feet to a Stake; thence South 210 feet
thence West 1054 feet to the South West corner of the lot now
owned by Mrs. A.E. Taylor which said South West corner is on
the line of said Street, which runs along the East front of
said Mrs. Porter's lot, thence North 210 feet to place of beginning
all in Section 5 of Township 10 S of Range 20 East, also the
following described pieces or tracts of land Situated in Alachua
County Florida and described as follows Fractional Sections 3 and
10 of Township 9 S of Range 18 East in the Arredondo Grant,
Between the complainants herein Charles E. Haile Junior
John M. Haile Louise M. Chesnut, W. Allen Haile and Eva Haile
and the defendant James C. Haile, Said partition and division
of said to me made according to quantity and quality, that is to
say the same to be partitioned and divided and set out in
severalty whereof one sixth of said entire land according to
quantity and quality shall go to and belong to Charles E. Haile Junior
and one Sixth part of said entire land according to quantity and
quality shall go to and belong to John M. Haile one of the
complainants, and one sixth part of said entire land shall
go to and belong to Louise M. Chesnut one of the complainants
and one Sixth part of said entire land shall go to and
belong to W. Allen Haile one of the complainants, and one Sixth
part of said land shall go and belong to Eva Haile one of the
complainants and one sixth part of said land shall go to and
belong to James C. Haile the defendant herein, and it is hereby
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 4 March 2013
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