Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 9
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Judgment Docket 9 Page 218
the line of said Street which runs along the East front of said Mrs. Porters
lot thence North 210 feet to place of beginning all in Section 5 of Township
10 S of Range 20 East, also, also the following described pieces of land situated
and being in Alachua County Florida and particularly described as follows to wit:
Fractional Section 3 and 10 of Township 9 S of Range 18 East in the
Arredondo Grant and made partition thereof allotting the several Shares
to the respective parties quality and quantity considered according
to their respective rights and interest, as declared by the Judgment and
decree of the court in said decree, that is to say we set off and allotted
to Charles E. Haile Junior in severalty for his interest and Share of
said premises being the one Sixth part thereof according to the relative
value thereof, the following to wit: Lot number One (1) as per map
of the Haile tract in South West Gainesville, made by J.W. Patton, C.E.
also Lot number Two (2) as is shown by a map of Fractional Sections
3 and 10 of Township 9 South of Range 18 East in the Arredonda Grant
made by J.W. Patton C.E. Containing Sixty Eight acres of land more or less
And to the said John M. Haile we set off and allotted to the said
John M. Haile in severalty for his interest and share of said premises
being the One Sixth part thereof according to the relative value
thereof, according to the relative value thereof the following
Lot number Three (3) as per map of the Haile land in South
West Gainesville made by J.W. Patton C.E. Also Lot one (1) as is shown
by a map of Fractional Sections 3 and 10 of Township 9 S of Range 18 East
in the Arredondo Grant made by J.W. Patton C.E. containing 68 acres
of land more or less, And to Louise M. Chesnut we set off and
allotted to Louise M. Chesnut in severalty for interest and
Share of said premises being the one Sixth part thereof according
to the relative value thereof the following to wit. Lot number Six (6)
as per map of the Haile land in South West Gainesville made
by J.W. Patton C.E. Also Lot number Four (4) as is shown by a
map of Fractional sections 3 and 10 Township 9 S of Range 18
East in the Arredondo Grant made by J.W. Patton C.E. containing
68 acres more or less.  And to Eva Haile -
We set off and allotted to Eva Haile in severalty for her interest
and Share of said premises being the one Sixth part thereof
according to the relative value thereof, the following to wit:
Lot number Four (4) as per map of the Haile land in South West
Gainesville made by J.W. Patton C.E. Also Lot number Five (5)
as is shown by a map of Fractional Sections 3 and 10 of
Township 9 S of Range 18E in the Arredondo Grant made
by J.W. Patton C.E. containing 68 acres of land more or less,
and to W. Allen Haile --- We set off and allotted to W. Allen
Haile in severalty his Claim interest and share of said
premises being the one sixth part thereof according to the
relative value thereof the following to wit Lot number Five (5)
as per map of the Haile land in South West Gainesville made
by J.W. Patton C.E. Also lot number Six (6) as is shown by a
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 5 March 2013
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