Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 9
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Judgment Docket 9 Page 219
map of fractional Sections 3 and 10 of Township 9S of Range 18 East in
the Arredondo Grant made by J.W. Patton C.E. containing 68 acres more or less
And to the Defendant James C. Haile we set apart and allotted to James
C. Haile in severalty for his interest and share of said premises being the
one Sixth part thereof according to the relative value thereof the
following Lot number Two (2) of the Haile land in South West
Gainesville made by J.W. Patton C.E. Also lot number three (3) as is shown
by a map of Fractional sections 3 and 10 of Township 9 South of
Range 18 East in the Arredondo Grant made by J.W. Patton C.E.
containing 68 acres more or less. And that for the better undersanding
and more Clear Elucidation of the Shape and Situation of the said
premises and of the manner in which said partition was made by
us we have caused to be made maps thereof, showing what part
of the said premises have been allotted to the respective parties
which maps form a part of this our report and are hereto
attached and marked Exhibits "A" and "B" All of which is
respectfully reported are submitted for the approval of the Court
     In Witness Whereof we the said Commissioners have
set our hands and seals to this our report this 27th day of May
A.D. 1899
                                       R.Y.H. Thomas     (seal)
                                       A.M. Endel        (seal)
                                       B.F. Hampton      (seal)

(map)  Exhibit "A"

Copy a map of the Haile Land in S.W. Gainesville
 Scale 200 feet 1 in               J.W. Patton C.E.

(map)   Exhibit "B"
 1 inch = 20 Chs
Map of tract Secs
3 & 10 T9 S R18 E
In Arredondo Grant
J.W. Patton C.E.
    Ct Sur
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 7 March 2013
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