Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 9
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Judgment Docket 9 Page 221
It is further ordered considered adjudged and decreed that the following
described property to wit Lot number Four as per map of the Haile land
is S.W. Gainesville made by J.W. Patton C.E. Also lot no Five (5) as is shown
by map of Fractional Sections 3 & 10 of Towns 9 S.R. 18 East in the Arredondo
Grant made by J.W. Patton C.E. containing 68 acres more or less, be and
the same is herein and hereby set apart assigned and allotted to
Eva Haile one of the complainants to this cause as her share and
interest in severalty in and to the real estate set forth and described
in the bill of Complaint decree of partition and in conformity
to the said report of the said commissioners as aforesaid
It is further ordered adjudged and decreed that the following
described property to wit, Lot No Five (5) as per map of the Haile
land in S.W. Gainesville made by J.W. Patton C.E. Also lot No Six (6)
as is shown by map of Fractional Sections 3 and 10 of township 9
So R 18 East in the Arredondo Grant made by J.W. Patton C.E. containing
68 acres more or less, be and the same is hereby and herein
set apart assigned and allotted to W. Allen Haile as his share
and interest in severalty in and to the said Real Estate set forth
and described in the bill of complaint decree of partition and in
conformity to the said report of the said commissioners as aforesaid
 It is further ordered considered adjudged and decreed that the
following described property to wit: Lot No Two (2) of the Haile
land in S.W. Gainesville as per map of said Haile land in S.W.
Gainesville made by J.W. Patton C.E. Also Lot No Three (3) as is 
shown by map of fractional sections 3 & 10 township 9 S R 18
East in the Arredondo Grant made by J.W. Patton C.E. containing
68 acres mor or less be and the same is hereby and herein set
a part assigned and allotted to James C. Haile the defendant herein
as his share and interest in severalty in and to the said Real
Estate set forth and described in bill of Complaint in this cause
and in conformity to the said report of the said Commissioners as
aforesaid, All of said land lying and being in Alachua County
  At Chambers at Gainesville Florida this 27th day of May 1899
                                              W.A. Hocker
Filed May 31st 1899 Recorded June 8th 1899
                                              H.C. Denton  Clerk
                                               pr S.H. Wienges

Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 7 March 2013
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