Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 9
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Judgment Docket 9 Page 222
                              In the Circuit Court Alachua County Fla.
A.B. Meador   Trustee}
       vs.           }  Assumpsit Damages  $2300
James M. Graham      }
       This Cause come on to be heard before the undersigned Judge on
the demurrer to the declaration and was argued by the attorney of the parties
on the 6th June AD 1899 - After examination of the same it appears to be
plain that it presents no grounds why the plaintiff should not recover
The law has been settled since 1845 (6 Fla 262) that a general demurrer
to a declaration containing more than one count is bad if there be one
good count - it is considered and ordered that the said demurrer be overruled
that the defendant pleas to the declaration within ten days from this date
and that in default thereof the Clerk of this Court do enter a default
for want of the same and final Judgment thereof if the same is 
demand by the plaintiff & proper proof made
   Ocala Fla June 9th 1899
                              W.A. Hocker
Filed June 10th  1899 Recorded June 10th 1899
                              H.C. Denton  Clerk
                              pr S.H. Wienges  D.C.

                              In the Circuit Court of the 5th Judicial
                              Circuit of Florida In and for Alachua County
Charles E. Haile et al}                    In Chancery
       vs             }   Bill to reform Deed &c
Solomon Warren et al  }   Final Decree
     This cause came on to be heard for a Final hearing
upon application of Complainants Solicitor for a final hearing
and the Court having read the Bill of Complaint and the
answer of the Defendants consenting to the Court granting the
prayers of the Bill and it appearing to the Court that there was
a Mutual mistake in the description of the land conveyed by
Solomon Warren to Charles E. Haile on the 16th day of April AD
1859 by deed of that date and recorded in Deed Book "E" at
page 21 thereof the same being one of the Public Records in
the Clerks office of Alachua County Florida, in this that
said land was described in said deed as the South West
quarter of Section Thirteen and also Section Fourteen all in
Township 9 S of Range 19E, when the land bought by
the said Charles E. Haile and intended to be conveyed to him
by the said Solomon Warren was the South West quarter of
Section Thirteen and also Section Fourteen all in
Township 9 S of Range 18E, and it further appearing from
the answer of Solomon Warren Mina D. Downing and Thomas
Warren Senior that there was such a mistake in said deed
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 29 November 2010
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