Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 9
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Judgment Docket 9 Page 223
and that they are willing that such mistake may be corrected
It is thereupon consideration thereof adjudged ordered and
decreed that said deed from the said Solomon Warren to the said
Charles E. Haile and recorded in Deed Book "E" at page 21 thereof same
being one of the public Records of Alachua County Florida be corrected
so as to properly describe said lands being in Range 18 and not 19
and shall be as follows, the south West quarter of Section 13 of
Township 9S Range 18e and also all of section 14 of Township 9 S of
Range 18 East all in Alachua County Florida, and it is further decreed
that the Clerk of the Circuit Court do make a marginal note on the said
page of said Deed Book E at page 21 thereof of this decree correcting
the description of the land therein conveyed, And it further appearing to the
court that the same mistake was afterwards made in the deed of
trust from Charles E. Haile to James D. Matheson Trustee recorded in
Deed Book "E" page 713 thereof, same being one of the Public
records of Alachua County Florida, It is therefore ordered
considered adjudged and decreed that said Trust Deed be also
corrected so as to properly describe said lands as lying and being
in Range 18E in said Alachua County Florida and as follows to wit:
the South West quarter of Section 13 of Township 9S of Range
18e and all of Section 14 of Township 9 S of Range 18 East in
Alachua County Florida, and that the Clerk of the Circuit Court
of Alachua County make marginal entry in deed Book "E" at
page 713 thereof of the correction of said deed by this decree
Done and ordered at Chambers at Ocala Florida this 6th day of
June AD 1899
                                  W.A. Hocker
Filed June 10th 1899 Recorded June 10th 1899
                                  H.C. Denton  Clerk
                                  pr S.H. Wienges  D.C.

                                  In the Circuit Court of Florida Fifth Judicial
                                  Circuit in and for Alachua County
H.F. Dutton, J.G. Nichols, H.G. Robinson and      }      In Chancery
W.G. Robinson partners trading in Alachua County  }
Florida under the firm name of H.F. Dutton and    }
Company and S. Guckenheimer Abe S. Gukenheimer    }
and Moses S. Guckenheimer, partners trading in the}
City of Savannah State of Georgia under the       }      Creditors Bill
firm name of Guckenheimer & Son.                  }
                vs                                }   Final Decree
J.M. Fryer and Mary A. Fryer his wife             }
and S.P. Thomas and Etta Thomas his wife          }
and R.W. Higdon                                   }
                Thus cause coming on to be heard upon the
pleadings by consent of the complainants and defendants, and the same       
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 29 November 2010
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