Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 9
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having been argued and submitted and the defendants consenting hereto,
thereupon upon consideration hereof it is ordered adjudged and decreed as
follows; First. That R.W. Higon is a bona fide purchaser for valuable
consideration of and for the west half of lot two of Block five Range one
in the Town of High Springs in Alachua County Florida, according to the
recorded plat of Mrs S.E. Moore's land, and that the prayer of the complainants
be denied as to this property and complainants bill be dismissed as
to R.W. Higons Second That the conveyance made by J.M. Fryer
and Mary A. Fryer to Etta Thomas, dated January 18, 1898 recorded in
deed Book 48 of the records of Alachua County, at page 144 on January
20, 1898, and conveying an undivided on e half interest in and to the
East half of lot two, of Block five Range one, in the Town of High
Springs in Alachua County Florida according to the recorded plat
of Mrs S.E. Moore's land in section three township 8 S of Range
17 E. and being fifty feet by two hundred feet; and also the
deed made by S.P. Thomas and Etta Thomas his wife to Charles D.
Smith conveyed the East half of lot two of Block five Range one
in the Town of High Springs in Alachua County Florida according
to the recorded plat of Mrs S.E. Moore's land dated January
26, 1898 and recorded in deed book 48 of the records of Alachua
County Florida at page 154, and also that deed made by the
said Charles D. Smith to the said Etta Thomas conveying
the same property dated January 26, 1898, and recorded in
deed book 48 of the records of Alachua County Florida at
page 155 and each and all of them were made for the purpose of
hindering, delaying, defeating and defrauding the complainants and
other creditors in the collection of their debts against the said J.M.
Fryer and S.P. Thomas, trading under the firm name of Fryer & Thomas
and that the said deeds and each of them be and are hereby
decreed to be cancelled and annulled and the Clerk of this court
is directed to make an entry of the said cancellation upon the margin
of the record where each of the said deeds are recorded and the said
defendants are required to surrender the original deeds thereto for cancellation.
Third. - It is further ordered adjudged and decreed that the said property
is herein and hereby declared to be subject to the lien of the Judgments
and executions obtained by the said complainants against the said
defendants Fryer and Thomas as the property of the said J.M. Fryer and
S.P. Thomas trading under the firm name of Fryer and Thomas and
that the defendants J.M. Fryer, S.P. Thomas and Etta Thomas his
wife do pay the cost of this proceeding to be taxed up by the
Clerk of this court as provided by law and the rules of practice
in such cases.
Done and ordered at Chambers at Ocala Florida on this 20th day of
June AD 1899                                   W.A. Hocker
Filed June 21st 1899 Recorded June 21st 1899     Judge
                        H.C. Denton Clerk
                         pr S.H. Wienges DC
Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 26 April 2015
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