Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 9
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Judgment Docket 9 Page 232
                  In the Circuit 5th Judicial Circuit of Florida
                  In and for Alachua County. In Chancery
The First National Bank of Gainesville Florida }
                  vs                           } Foreclosure
W.B. Vinzant et al                             } Final Decree
      This cause coming on to be heard on this day, and upon
consideration thereof; it appearing to the court that the equities of the
case are with complainants and that there is due said complainants on
the debt secured by the said mortgage filed as an exhibit in said cause
principal and interest the sum of six hundred and fifty Dollars
together with an attorneys fee of Seventy five Dollars to complainants
solicitor. It is adjudged ordered and decreed that W.B. Vinzant R.J.
Futch and W.D. Futch do pay the said sums of money with the costs
of this proceedings and that unless the said W.B. Vinzant R.J.
Futch and W.D. Vinzant shall pay at once the said sums of money
with the costs of this proceeding the mortgaged property described in
the Bill of Complaint in this cause to wit: Lot three of Block twenty six
of a map of the town of Fairmount now High Springs made by W.C.
Miller CE and on page six of Plat book "A" in the office of the Clerk
of the Circuit Court of and in Alachua County Florida, also Boilers
Engine pumps, Grist Mill, Wooden working machinery including
all belting, shafting, pulleys hangers as now contained in our Mill
or to be placed therein situated on the land herein described together
with all and singular the tenements houses and improvements thereon
and thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining and all reversions
remainders, homesteads, rights issues and profits thereof and all
the estate right, title, interest property possession claim and
demand whatsoever as well in law as in Equity of the said
defendants herein and to the same and every part and parcel
thereof with appurtenances lying and being in Alachua County Florida
or so much thereof as may be necessary be sold at public auction
for cash to the highest bidder at the door of the Court House
at Gainesville Alachua County Florida to pay the same, That
notice of the time and place of sale be published as required
by law in some newspaper published in Alachua County Florida.
That H.G. Mason a practicing attorney is hereby appointed a
Special Master to execute this decree. That on the said sale the
said Master shall execute this decree, That on the said sale
the said Master shall execute a deed to the property so sold
to the purchaser, thereof; that out of the proceeds of said sale
he shall pay the costs of this suit together with his fees and
Expenses of sale, and the balance of the purchase money to the
complainants or its solicitor of record in this case in
payment so far as it will go after deducting the said attorneys fee
of the amount due complainant and should there be any
balance remaining after such payments said Special Master shall
bring the same into Court to abide the further order thereof.
Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 29 April 2015
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