Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 9
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Judgment Docket 9 Page 233
that should said sale take place the defendants in this cause and each
of them and all persons claiming by through or under them be forever
barred and foreclosed of and from all equity of redemption of in and to
said mortgaged premises so sold
At Ocala Florida this 14th day of July AD 1899
                                        W.A. Hocker
Filed July 14th 1899 Recorded July 14th 1899
                                   H.C. Denton Clerk
                                 pr S.H. Wienges DC
               In Circuit Court 5th Circuit of Florida Alachua
                   county In Chancery
The First National Bank of Gainesville Florida }
                  vs                           } Foreclosure
Vinzant Futch & Company et al                  } Decree Pro Confesso
          This cause coming on to be heard upon application
for a decree pro confesso. It appearing to the Court that no plea
answer or Demurrer has been filed to the amended Bill It is ordered
adjudged and decreed that said Bill and amended Bill be taken
as confessed for want of Plea answer or Demurrer thereto
           at Ocala Fla this July 14th 1899
                                   W.A. Hocker
Filed July 14th 1899 Recorded July 15th 1899
                          H.C. Denton Clerk
                        pr S.H. Wienges DC

             In Circuit Court Alachua County Florida
                           In Chancery
The First National Bank of Gainesville Florida }
                       vs                      } Foreclosure
 Vinzan Futch and Company                      } Final Decree
                 This cause coming on to be heard and upon
consideration thereof, it appearing to the court that the equities
of the case are with complainant on the debt secured by the mortgage
filed herein in said cause principal and interest the sum of
One Thousand Dollars together with an attorneys fee of Seventy five
Dollars to complainants solicitor. It is adjudged ordered and 
decreed that unless Vinzant Futch and Company and W.B.
Vinzant R.J. Futch and W.D. Futch shall at once pay to
complainant the First Nation Bank of Gainesville Florida, The 
said sums of money with the costs of this proceedings the mortgaged
property described in the Bill of Complaint in this cause to wit:
The following described property lying being and situated in
the town of High Springs, Alachua County Florida and more
particularly described as lot number Five in Block Fifteen
Main Street in the town of High Springs Florida together
Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 29 April 2015
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