Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 9
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Judgment Docket 9 Page 238
                In the Circuit Court of the 5th Judicial Circuit of the
                State of Florida in and for Alachua County sitting
                               In Chancery
Marion U. Wright by & C }
         on             } Decree
 Petition               }
              This day came Marion U. Wright by his next friend Charles
V. McQueen and filed his petition praying that the disabilities of non-age
of said Marion U. Wright be removed upon consideration of said petition
and the evidence filed herein and the Court being satisfied that the removal
of said disabilities will be for the permanent interest of said Marion U. Wright
and that he is over eighteen years of age it is considered ordered and decreed
that the disabilities of non-age of said Marion U. Wright be and they are
removed and he is authorized to assume the management and control of all
of his estate; to contract and be contracted with; to sue and to be sued, and
to do and perform any and all acts matters and things that he could
do if twenty one years of age.
Done at chambers at Ocala Florida this July 28th 1899
                                W.A. Hocker
                                 Judge 5 Judicial Circuit of Florida
Filed July 28th 1899 Recorded August 7th 1899
                                 H.C. Denton Clerk
                                 pr S.H. Wienges DC

                         In Circuit Court Alachua County 5th Judicial
                         Circuit of Florida - In Chancery
B.A. Thrasher                   }
       vs                       } Injunction &c
The City of Gainesville Florida }
                 This cause coming on for final hearing and it appearing
to the Court from an examination of the papers That a decree pro confesso
was regularly entered against the defendant herein, and it appearing
from the testimony regularly taken by Robert E. Davis appointed herein
That the equities of this cause is with the complainant. It is therefore
ordered adjudged and decreed that the said defendant herein the
City of Gainesville Florida be and is perpetually enjoined from causing
to be issued a Tax deed based on certificate of Oct 7 1895 to the following
property viz: North 1/2 of Block 4 Range 5 original survey of Gainesville
Florida Also following Commencing at the South East corner of the North
half of Block 15 Browns Addition to the City of Gainesville running
North 210 feet Thence West 210 feet Thence South 210 feet thence East 210
feet to the point of beginning. All of said property being section 5
Township 10 Range 20 City of Gainesville Alachua County Florida.
That said certificate is ordered to be cancelled and said sale of said
property is hereby adjudged and decreed null and void.
It is hereby ordered adjudged and decreed that the defendant
herein the City of Gainesville Florida do pay to the complainant herein
Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 1 May 2015
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