Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 9
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Judgment Docket 9 Page 242
and that the said Carlisle is indebted to the defendant Charles W.
Bauknight on his Judgment filed in evidence in this cause in the sum of
$2082.60 it is further ordered adjudged and decreed that unless the said
J.A. Carlisle within ten days from this date pay the said sums of money
to the said complainant, and the said Bauknight or to their respective
attorneys in this cause together with the costs of this suit and an attorney's
fee of $274.00 to complainants solicitor - it appearing from the evidence in
this cause that said fee would be reasonable and proper - that the
mortgage proper - that the mortgage property described in complainants
bill to wit: The phosphate plant consisting of all and singular the log
washer, pump, piping, boiler Engine railroad iron dump cars and
tools of all and every description, three dump carts and harness
and two head of horse mules named Pete and Jack situated and being
when the first mortgage to complainant was executed on the East half of
the South East quarter of section 28 in Township 8 South of Range 17 East
and when the second mortgage was executed on land in section 4 in
Township 10 South of Range 17 East all in the county of Alachua
and state of Florida and still in said County and State, be sold at
public auction for cash at the door of the Court house of said
Alachua county to pay the same; that notice of the time and place
of sale be published in the weekly sun a newspaper published at
Gainesville in said county of Alachua once each week for four successive
weeks next proceeding the sale; that Christopher Matheson is hereby
appointed a Special Master to Execute this decree; that upon
the payment of the purchase money by the purchaser of said property
the said Master shall make to him a bill of sale for the same; that
out of the proceeds of sale the said Special Master shall pay the
costs of this suit, retain the compensation allowed by law for his
services as such Special Master, pay to complainants solicitor the
sum of $150.00 - it appearing from the testimony in this cause that said
amount will be a reasonable attorney's fee to be allowed complainants
solicitor for his services in foreclosing the first mortgage of
complainant and out of the balance of the purchase money pay
to the complainant or his solicitor of record the sum of $1257.18 with
legal interest thereon from this date in payment of his said
first mortgage. That out of the balance of said purchase money if
any he shall pay to the said Bauknight or his solicitor of record
the Judgment of the said C.W. Bauknight against the said J.A.
Carlisle and S.L. Blanton or so much thereof as said balance
will pay, and should and should there be remaining any part of said
purchase money after such payments, the said Special Master shall
pay to complainants solicitor $124.00 - it appearing from the
testimony in said cause that said amount would be reasonable
attorneys fee to be allowed said solicitor for the foreclosing of the
second mortgage and out of the balance he shall pay to the
complainant or his said solicitor the sum of $1480.00 with legal
interest thereon from this date in payment of his said second
Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 1 May 2015
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