Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 9
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Judgment Docket 9 Page 243
mortgage and any amount remaining he shall pay to the said J.A.
Carlisle.  It is further adjudged ordered and decreed that should said
sale take place the defendant J.A. Carlisle and all persons claiming 
by through or under him since the institution of this suit be forever
barred and foreclosed of and from all equity of redemption in and
to said mortgaged property. And the said Master shall report his
proceedings under this decree to the court.
Done and ordered at Ocala Florida this 16th day of August AD 1899
                                                 W.A. Hocker
Filed August 18th 1899 Recorded August 21st 1899
                                   H.C. Denton Clerk
                                   pr S.H. Wienges  DC

                        In the Circuit Court of Florida Fifth Judicial
                        Circuit In and for Alachua County In Chancery
Samuel C. Tucker et al}
        vs            }  Bill for Declaration of Trust etc
  Jacob E. Dodd       }     order of Court
          It appearing to the Court that a petition for a
n hearing of the final decree rendered in the above entitled cause
on the 20th day of July 1899 was presented and filed by the defendant
on the 25th day of July 1899 upon application of said defendant by
his solicitor and for that such presentation of petition for a rehearing
shall stay all proceedings in said decree for sixty days from said date shall
give a bond with two good and sufficient sureties to be approved by the
clerk of this court in and for Alachua County in the sum of $200 00
payable to the complainants in said cause and conditioned for the 
payment of all damages and costs that may accrue to said complainants
by such delay.
Done and ordered at Chambers at Ocala Florida this August 16th AD 1899
                                    W.A. Hocker
Filed August 21st 1899 Recorded August 21st 1899
                                H.C. Denton Clerk
                                pr S.H. Wienges DC

Transcribed by Charles Blankenship 22 April 2006
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