Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 9
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Judgment Docket 9 Page 245
sums of forty five (45) dollars paid out by the complainant for
insurance on the mortgaged premises and One hundred & seventy five (175)
dollars as fees to be allowed complainants solicitor for his services
in foreclosing the mortgage sued on herein, and that the defendant
do pay the same, together with the costs of this suit, to be taxed
up by the Clerk of the circuit court in and for Alachua County
Florida within five (5) days from date hereof.
2nd That in case the defendant should fail and neglect to pay
the said sums within the time stipulated herein, to the complainant
then in that case, that W.W. Hampton Esq a practicing attorney
at the Gainesville Florida bar who is herein and hereby appointed
as a Special Master in chancery to execute this decree, do advertise
and sell in the manner and at the time and place provided by
law, all of said mortgaged premises described as follows to wit: -
All the following described piece parcel or tract of land situated
lying and being in the county of Alachua state of Florida to wit:
That part of lot two (2) block three (3) range five (5) according
to the original survey and plat or map thereof of the survey of
the town (now city) of Gainesville, commencing seventy five (75) feet
from the south east corner of said lot two (2) and running due
North along the West line of East Main Street sixty two and
one half (62 1/2) feet; thence West Ninety (90) feet; thence south sixty
two and one half (62 1/2) feet; thence East ninety (90) feet to the place
of beginning. Together with all and singular, the tenements
hereditaments and appurtenances to the same belonging or in
anywise appertaining. And that the said master do make
proper deed of conveyance to the purchasers in the possession of
the same.
3rd. That the said Master do pay to the complainant or to his
solicitor of record the proceeds arising from said sale or a 
sufficient amount thereof to satisfy and pay this decree in full
together with the costs of this suit, to be taxed up by the Clerk, as
herein provided, and the overplus, if any, to paid into the
registry of the court, to be paid out as the court may direct;
that should the proceeds arising from the sale of said property
as herein provided be insufficient to pay this decree in full
and the costs of this suit then the said Master to report
the same to the court for such other decree as may be proper
in the premises.
4th. That after the sale of the said property as herein provided
for the said defendant Belle S. Stark and all and every person
or persons whomsoever, now claiming the said property or any part
thereof, by, through or under the said defendant, do thereafter stand
forever and absolutely debarred and foreclosed of and from
all right or equity of redemption of, in or to the said property and
every part thereof
  Done and ordered at Jacksonville, Florida, this 30 day of August AD 1899
Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 1 May 2015
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